Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Essay Topic:  Why do you people know they're obese and choose to do nothing about it?

* I have literally dozens of ideas rolling around my mind about essay topics but this is the one the caught my most attention. It is more of a fundamental and variable question that I believe many people will have different answers to. What I am hoping to get out of this essay topic ( If it were something we were to write about) is to get people's opinions out there for the rest of us to discuss and maybe get into a more in depth look about how obesity is a social stigma.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Obesity: the condition of being very fat or overweight
Accumulate: to gather or collect
Mass: a body of coherent matter
Diseasea disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors
Diet: a particular selection of food
Prevalence: the condition of being prevalent; or widespread
Stigma: a mark of disgrace or infamy
Prevent(able): to keep from occurring
Adolescent: growing into manhood or womanhood; youthful
Cardiovascularof, pertaining to, or affecting the heart and blood vessels
Excessive: going beyond the usual, necessary
Mechanisman assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine
Sedentary: characterized by or requiring a sitting posture
Predispose: to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible
Syndromea group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder; disease

* The wrestler was so obese that when he stepped on the mat he ripped a hole through it with his bare foot.
* Many people hope to accumulate money in there banks so that one day they may go traveling around the world
* The Solar system is constructed of a mass of stars orbiting around a galaxy.
* The disease in the man's body originated from the snake bite that occurred about 72 hours ago.
* Many extreme athletes have a specific diet in order to function more properly during sport play.
* The prevalence of many poppy plants causes the extinction of certain other herbs and wild flowers.
* Having a bad haircut during picture day has a huge impact on social stigma.
* Bob Marley's tumor was 90% preventable, but he decided not to seek medical attention to save his life.
* Many young and restless teenagers believe that they are men already and no longer adolescent.
* Body builders go above and beyond to have excessive Muscle mass.
* The new and economic Volkswagen was a brilliant mechanism of countless hours of engineering and science.
* "The Thinker" statue was created in order to symbolize a man in his thoughts in a sedentary posture.
* His job was predispose his boss about important upcoming events in his busy schedule.
* The doctor gathered data from the patient and put together the puzzle pieces to figure out a certain disorder the patient had been living with.


Here are two links that refute the these:

Here are two links that support the text's thesis:

          Obesity derives from many such components such as Poor dieting and lack of exercise.Some of the reasons why people are overweight are blamed to be on the harmful chemicals that fast food industries present in their food. But when you really break things down, Being overweight, obese, fat or however you wish to call it is that person's own fault. We are the one's who insist on consuming the harmful synthetic so-called "Food" that comes from Taco Bell Or Jack in Box. We are too ignorant and blind to see that Taco Tuesday is just a sale to get people hooked on their product and to keep their industries up and running.
          People may blame fast food industries for the main cause of obesity in our nation, but when you come down to the cold hard facts the only people that a person can blame are the people themselves. No one is forcing them or breathing down their necks to by food unfit for even dogs to eat. They maybe also argue that healthier food is much more expensive and hard to come by these days. What they don't know is that by investing that money into their diet is saving them money in the long run. Saving money such as not going to the doctors to get a prescription for insulin when they have diabetes or clogged arteries when they eat too many big macs.
          If you break down the facts of maintaining a wight that is desired, it is one of the most easiest thing in the world to do. If a person wishes to lose a pound a week then a person would have to reduce their calorie intake by 500 calories a day and do it for a week. That would make a person lose an average of 3,500 calories a week which is exactly one pound. Let us also keep in mind that 500 calories isn't much. It is about as much as a large Blender's smoothie or about 2 bananas. So why do people not make this small sacrifice in order to live a more healthier lifestyle? It is because we are all culpable of sloth and greed and we only care about eating what is good and not about what is eating right.
         In conclusion, I believe that mother nature's diet is the best one a person can possibly follow. This includes fruit, fish, lean meat, vegetable, nuts, and so many more healthy things other than fast food and synthetic chemicals that a person stores in their body. Nature isn't looking to make a profit. She does not want to get people hooked on products that are manufactured. all that nature wants is for people to eat what is right and healthy for them. That is what I believe is REAL food.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I searched through many websites and I believe this one was most useful to me for finding out about Obesity and its causes ....


What is the Meaning of LIFE?
                            - is a question that can occur to us in moments of joy, boredom or despair. Is there an answer to this question, or is the solution to be found in the process of searching?
Nearly 150 years after Charles Darwin's explosive The Origin of Species was first published, controversy over creation over evolution still rages. Modern day creationists argue that the two views should be taught in schools alongside one another. What do you think?


"Dare to be wise when the beginning is half done Begin" Is what dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe Means.....

     - I believe that this quotes means to indirectly perservere through something in the beginning when you still know that the beginning is near. It presents us with the task to be "wise" in looking forward to the future when you that what you do in the beginning will have a direct impact on the other "beginnings" in your future.