Thursday, February 27, 2014

How To Present Yourself

This is A kind of a helpful site just so you can present ourselves in a social manner without all the awkwardness...


By: Daniel Defoe

     The novel Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It relates the story of a man whom is shipwrecked on a deserted island. The man, Robinson Crusoe, is the only survivor of the shipwreck. He is completely in control of his own life, but has very little control of his own environment. Throughout the story he gains a mastery of his own life and surroundings, but further events show an imperialistic nature that he possesses.

     Crusoe is first the rebellious son, then the repentant castaway, and finally the faithful Christian convert. We begin the novel with Crusoe's rebellion: the defiance of his father's plan for him, which is framed as defying the authority of God himself. Crusoe then suffers a series of misfortunes that land him on the island. Once there, he must atone for his sins, and undergoes a serious religious conversion. The novel then becomes a collection of religious observations. We eventually see Crusoe turn into a religious teacher, as he manages to convert Friday to Christianity upon meeting him.

     Man and Nature:

Crusoe sees nature as something that must be useful. He isn't into all that getting-out-and-connecting-with-nature stuff, nor is he interested in the beauty of nature. Nope, Crusoe colonizes the island and turns it into his own dominion:

I descended a little on the Side of that delicious Vale, surveying it with a secret Kind of Pleasure, (tho' mixt with my other afflicting Thoughts) to think that this was all my own, that I was King and Lord of all this Country indefeasibly, and had a Right of Possession; and if I could convey it, I might have it in Inheritance, as completely as any Lord of a Manor in England. (pg.85)

As we see here, Crusoe believes in private property. It's not so much the beauty of the island that brings him pleasure as the idea that he can own the island – that it's his to possess.


Phenomenon- a remarkable person, thing, or event
Narcissist- excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance
Jaded- Tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm
Entice- attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage
Witty- showing or characterized by quick and intentive verbal humor
Versatile- being able to adapt or be adaped to many different functions or activities
Impervious- unable to be affected by
Vicariously- experience in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
Latent- existing but not yet developed or manifest
Discourse- written or spoken communication or debate
Immaculate- Perfectly clean, neat, or tidy
Insatiable- impossible to satisfy
Atrocious- horrifyingly Wicked
Nictate- The blink of an eye (or anything)
Evoke- bring or recall the conscious mind
Veracity- conformity to facts; accuracy

Verbose- using or expressed in more words than needed
Archaic- very old or old-fashioned
Prosaic- having the style or diction of prose
Introvert- A shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person