Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1) To live, or to die: that is the question
Is it more honorable in the mind to endure?
The ongoing battle that is being waged on people
Or to fight against the sea of sadness
And by fighting back finish them: To die: to sleep:
To be nothing; And to end by sleeping
The anguish, and many setbacks
That people inherit, it is the final ending
Greatly to be with, To die: To sleep:
To sleep: and perhaps to dream, that is the obstacle
For after we die what may happen
When we have left the Earth
Make us hesitate: there is the consideration
That causes us to live through a life filled with misfortunes
For who would endure the harsh experiences of life
The wrongs of government; the proud man's insult
The suddenness of scorned love; and the slow nature of the legal system
The insulting behavior of the officials, and the insults
That inferior direct at worthy people
When one might escape
By means of a knife? who would burdens bear
To groan and sweat under a tired life
Except for the fear of something after death
That mysterious land from whose boundaries
No traveler returns, it confuses the mind
And forces us to bear the burdens of life
Rather than exchange them for the unknown
Thus our conscious makes cowards of us all
And so does the natural color of courage
Is hidden by the shadow cast of thought
And projects of great significance
With this in mind stray from their course
And they lose their initiative; calm there you are
My fair Ophelia! Lady in your prayers
Ask for forgiveness of my sins

2) The way I interpret this soliloquy is simply just either taking life as a fail or as a success. You have to grab life by its hind quarters and let it know you mean business in a non-concrete idea kind of way. It is either to act upon or to be acted upon, which is extremely similar to "to be or not to be"

3) Why take the easy way out? Why skip out on knowing how much you're worth and knowing that you could push yourself to the limit? To me I'd much rather live life with all my mistakes and faults because taking the easy way out would just make me a coward.  I also have a feeling that once a life has been lived and when that same life is taken away from you without choice, then you truly won't fear the afterlife as much as you think you should be afraid of it. This is simply because you will not have the choice to delay the afterlife's confrontation, but instead taking it head-on no matter what is on the otherside.

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