adroit-skilful or dexterous
amicable-characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable
averse-having a strong feeling of opposition
belligerent-warlike; given to waging war
benevolent-characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
cursory-going rapidly over something, without noticing details
duplicity-deceitfulness in speech or conduct
extol-to praise highly; laud
feasible-capable of being done, effected, or accomplished
grimace-a facial expression, often ugly or contorted
holocaust-a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire
impervious-not permitting penetration or passage
impetus-a moving force; impulse; stimulus
jeopardy-hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death
meticulous-taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise
nostalgia- a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time
quintessence-the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
retrogress-to go backward into an earlier and usually worse condition
scrutinize-to examine in detail with careful or critical attention
tepid-moderately warm; lukewarm
1) Astronauts have to be adroit while in space to handle difficult situations.
2) Ghandi was beyond far the most amicable person I have ever come to know.
3) He was not averse about drinking once in a while.
4) The belligerent countries reached a compromise in order to avoid war.
5) Even when Germany was controlled by Nazi's, there were still some benevolent people out there willing to help out the Jews.
6) His cursory study methods only got him a C on his final exam.
7) In his duplicity he did not notice that he was betraying both his friends.
8) Aztecs had an infinite amount of extol to the their Sun God.
9) Although most homework assignments in English class are feasible, some people are just too lazy to do it.
10) He grimaced at the thought of getting in trouble when he came home for staying out too late.
11) The Jewish Holocaust was an undeniably unnecessary act of brutality against humanity.
12) The impervious University only accepted the finest of scholars into their school.
13) The grant for building the opera house gave impetus to the city's cultural life.
14) Jumping over the cliff with his motorcycle could have put his life in jeopardy.
15) Planning out a wedding is a cause for meticulous attention and complete focus.
16) Once in college, most of us will be nostalgic about returning to high school where life was easy.
17) The aroma of his house had the pure quintessence of lavender and natural flora.
18) Many alcoholics usually retrogress back into there drunken state.
19) Our government scrutinizes about screening all federal employees.
20) The water was perfectly tepid to go skinny dipping.
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