Tuesday, September 3, 2013


accomplice: a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing, often as a subordinate
 annihilate: to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence; destroy utterly: The heavy bombing almost annihilated the city.
 arbitrary: subject to individual will or judgment without restriction
 brazen: shameless or impudent
 catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change
 exodus: a going out; a departure or emigration
 facilitate: to make easier or less difficult; help forward Careful planning facilitatesany kind of work.
 incorrigible:  bad beyond correction or reform
 latent: present but not visible, apparent, or actualized
 militant: vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause: militant reformers.

 morose: gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.
 opaque: not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light
 paramount: chief in importance or impact; supreme
 prattle: to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way
 rebut: to refute by evidence or argument.
 reprimand: a severe reproof or rebuke
 servitude: slavery or bondage of any kind
 slapdash: in a hasty, haphazard manner
 stagnant: not flowing or running, as water
 succumb: to give way to superior forceyield

1) The Accomplice confessed to the crime he had committed along with his brother and other relatives.
2) The heavy bombing almost annihilated the entire city.
3) The professional football player made an arbitrary decision to retire at a young age.
4) Doctor Preston is very brazen when is comes to handing out homework.
5) There are many catalysts that can for different chemicals that help out us out without hurting our environment.
6) There was an exodus to the west when the dust bowl wiped out all the vegetation.
7) In order to facilitate the situation the two little boys made an agreement to stop fighting.
8) The car was so incorrigible after the crash that they just simply sent it to the junkyard.
9) Bravery is something that is latent.
10) The Intelligent young boy attacked the SAT with militant speed.
11) Edgar Allan Poe was known for his morose novels.
12) The smoke made the night sky so opaque that the moon was not even visible.
13) Winston Churchill was paramount in the allied victory against Germany in WW2.
14) Blondes tend to prattle about things people don't really care about.
15)The lawyer provided an important rebut in the murder case.
16) The merchandise was completely broken so the customer reprimanded  for a refund.
17) I believe people who have voluntary servitude to a person are very loyal.
18) She was in such a hurry that she ignored my question and left in a slapdash.
19) The emotion he portrayed during the trial was stagnant without any remorse.
20) One must not succumb to peer pressure to go and do drugs.

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